Why is high performance important and how can you achieve it?

High-performers are not born; they are conditioned by habit. (Brendan Burchard)


What’s holding you back from delivering excellence? Do you feel that your goals are always one step away? You’re doing well but you feel you could do more?

Every top athlete, surgeon, A-list actor, scientist, astronaut or successful business person will tell you that there is always more to give. They are unwaveringly focused on achieving excellence: nothing else will do.

Their commitment to high performance derives from a clear and focused vision to be and do their absolute best. They take personal responsibility for their actions and their attitude. Are you ready to follow their lead?

Hard work and determination will only take you so far, perhaps you’re at that point now and wondering how to take your performance to the next level?

Even the greatest business faces challenges and it must adapt and evolve to ensure success. Just as any successful sportsperson recognises that to be the best, they need a Coach, the same can be applied to a business owner, leader or aspiring team member. (Phil Budd, Business Growth Coach.)


My job is to help individuals realise that with the right attitude, focus and mindset you can perform at the highest level and achieve excellence.

We have achieved revenue and profit growth since engaging with our coach. Our business has grown and our aims and objectives have become crystal clear. (Jane Francis, Home Instead Cambridge.)

Embrace the new business landscape and adopt new habits.

The past couple of years have been challenging, to say the least, success has come thick and fast for many, while others have struggled immensely.

Whatever their current position, every business leader I’ve spoken with recently is facing the challenge of adapting quickly to new ways of doing business. If they were juggling before, it’s magnified now.

Every day I hear clients speak of overwhelm, work overload and lack of time; Does this sound familiar?

I get it, people are exhausted, time is short and obstacles are high. But you can turn things around and with the right support, you can begin to shift from overwhelmed to high performer.

I’m going to show you how.

Despite the pandemic, during my 2020 growth program, I helped clients win 4,435 new customers, realise a 44% increase in profit and a 58% uplift in turnover

High Performance Traits      

There are several common characteristics that high performers share which they embedded as habits in their everyday life.

Not only will these habits improve your performance at work but you’ll begin to realise the benefits throughout every aspect of your life.

Here’s an outline of what each involves.


  • Developing new habits: I’m talking about consistently doing the things that you know will deliver positive change. Most people start a new habit but never follow through.

The difference for high performers is that these habits are second nature, they do them every day, in every aspect of their life, on every project, in every task, becoming the tools and techniques which underpin their very existence.

  • Mindset: the right attitude and self-belief play a significant part in your success. Developing a growth mindset allows you to show up, be courageous and be prepared to take that leap of faith. You can take on any challenge, any task and know that you can not only overcome but excel.

Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.

Ralph Marston.

  • Time Management: only do the work that moves you forward. Delegate or eliminate the rest. I know, it sounds quite drastic but I assure you with immediate effect you could create a minimum of 20% more time.

We’re so focused on micro-managing every minute, every hour that we forget what’s important: our goals, our life. Once we understand what our priority is, then we can learn to build our schedule around it.

  • Managing Fear: we all feel fearful at some point, it’s how we deal with it that sets us apart. If you’re stuck, immobilised and don’t know what to do next, maybe you don’t recognise it as fear, but learning to manage your emotions will free you to make bold decisions, move forward and live fearlessly. Fear can be a positive indicator that risk needs to be managed, so manage it. Don’t let fear control your business.
  • Dealing with overwhelm: recognise it, reframe and reset your inner compass. In an ideal world, we would manage our workload so we never get overwhelmed, but no matter what it happens time and again. When we’re overwhelmed we can’t see clearly and our judgement is clouded. As the diagram shows, prolonged pressure destroys high performance over time.

High performers aren’t immune but they learn to deal with it differently: they delegate, schedule time off to fully de-stress and step back, manage expectations differently and focus on what will help them achieve their goals, setting everything else aside.

  • Goal Setting: We all set goals but how often do we ask ourselves WHY this goal?“I want to grow my business 150% by the end of the year”, said the business owner. As their coach, I ask “Why?

It’s often assumed, that as their coach I’ll help them with the HOW part of reaching the goal. But, I’m interested in the WHY?

High performers know exactly why they are working towards a goal. They have a clearly defined purpose and passion for achieving their chosen goals.

Creating a high performance culture within your business.

Do you have a vision for business growth?

Imagine its acceleration if you had a whole team of high performers; individuals focused on delivering excellence every single day.

Surrounding yourself with the best people who share your values and are fully invested in your vision for future growth is the key to creating a high performance culture.

Discipline, hard work and commitment to a higher purpose are what separates a good performance from a consistently great one.

Whether you’re looking to develop your own skills or create an awesome team to drive your business forward, my skills and experience as a High Performance coach and public speaker will help you achieve long-term sustainable business growth.